Mar 22, 2010 01:07
Woohoo march hols've just ended and I'm forging on into term two! Completely unprepared academically.
And yes, the very notion of the need for being prepared academically has been drilled into my head quite
succesfully by my beloved mother who's ever-anxious about my As, as well as by the first few minutes of Mr Ngoei's
online lectures. Where'd all my ambitious plans go man? AH OHWELL. no point thinkin abt it now.
The hols were sorta kinda productive too actually, and reeally really good people-wise and getting-back-with-God-wise. So that's awesome. Couldn't have asked for more. God's been teaching me things every day. And teaching me how He provides really, as long as we put our trust in Him. Simple enough a theory to absorb mentally, but it's a whole different story really understanding it; i'm sure we can all somehow identify.
Hmmm my hols weren't all that happening and all but there was a good enough balance of work and play I suppose. More work than play and still not enough work but ohwell. Ahah I honestly thank God for the (failed) study session I had with Marcus. Hahah joke. Eh ure the one who suggested studying together kayy Real, lifelong friendships. Few things sound sweeter. God really does provide you know? He showed me that this week.
Mmm most of the other days went by in a blur, but Friday was especially significant. That's when He helped turn my whole attitude back on track with Him again. Friday was in general an extremely tiring, worry-filled day, details can be asked for personally if you want. But by the end of the day, I swear I was the happiest person in the world and when I say happy, I mean happy man. So happy it gave me so much energy I couldn't sleep till really late. Ah..just remembering that makes smile now. Thank You so much once again for reminding me You care when no-one else is around to, by doing the amazing seemingly-impossible things You do. And for giving me people to share the joy with, be it just in an sms. Cos You know it makes a difference to me.
And ohyes! Then Saturday was pretty lovelyyy. I WANT A COOKIE MONSTER SOFT TOYY haah. discovered that while we went shopping for a present for lil' Jedidiah(: Had his 1 month celebration dinner thing so got to hang out with hil (not so much since everyone was around but we must soon somehow) and all at Buvan's place. Many many people around anda couple of cute kids. And ohmygoodness I really fell in love with that baby, ah. Really looks like that having kids debate is over.
OHYES, Buvan got taboo(yayeyayeyaye i love taboo) for my (/our) birthday present. really early since his royal highness'll be goooone. Dunno when I'll see him next. Everyone's gonna be missing you by the way mister. Everyone. Especially me.
Mm ah, okay then. This term's gonna be really hectic. And so many things're gonna be new or will need getting used to. Hmm many not so many things per se but one major constant in my life'll be changing, so..yeah. That'll need some getting used to. Thank You God though for giving me the best surprises ever.