I’m sick again, I just woke up from a fever breaking nap… in which I had this dream…

Aug 10, 2005 19:22

I was living in the aftermath of some kind of random apocalypse, in a dug out mud hut decorated in such a way that I can only assume it was constructed in what used to be a city. I was sick and some parental figure brought me some food, I ate most of it but found a living, (injured), black snake in it, (the cooking process had changed his skin to partially white but most of him was black. I was horrified and ran to the kitchen, (which was in a much more well finished house), I set him on the counter and attempted to get him some water, when I looked up he had gone and the floor was full of fast running water, I kept pushing against the water and calling out the snake’s name to which I was apparently privi, “Euraga”, so upon waking I was very concerned and wanted to know what/who “euraga” is, as I had been trying to fish him out of the water and was screaming his name in my dream… apparently after some small web sleuthing, “euraga” is and only is the german word for Austria… so hey if I’m psychic something fucked up is about to happen in Austria… or maybe I just have a fever…
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