2013...forward to 2014

Jan 02, 2014 12:37

2013 was a typical year, filled with ups and downs. I want to focus on the ups and jump off of those to improve 2014

  • I started a new job that is free of direct reports. It isn't my dream job, but it is free of upper management who suck at people management and it challenges my brain a bit.
  • I continued to learn to manage anxiety and depression. I am better than I was at the start of 2013 because I made changes, such as changing my job and taking time for myself when I need it.
  • I embraced more of my creativity through photography and quilting.
  • In keeping with previous years, I tried at least one thing out of my comfort zone. This time, I entered a quilt into a contest. I was pleased to win first prize and yeah, I think I deserved best in show. Ah well. At least my confidence is better. I also attended two quilt retreats where I knew no one.
  • No big trips this year, but I did visit friends. I am glad that I had the chance to visit the lovely mother of a dear friend before she passed in September.

For 2014, I have a river cruise planned to see the tulips in Holland. I'll hike in Virginia and will visit Florida a few times. I'll hike around home, as well. Focus on health and creativity. Two big quilts planned. Photography. Writing again. I need to figure out some stuff, but I hope to have year filled with more positive than negative.

I hope you, too, have a positive new year.
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