Jan 05, 2009 18:30
No, because if you do what you are supposed to do and get your animal the right cage size and give it the correct amount of attention and/or cage mates, then the animal will be perfectly fine. this is similar to how people say no reptile should be kept as a pet. My reptiles are happy, and they live in terrariums. My birds are happy and they live in an enclosure. what's wrong with having a pet? If you want to apply this 'cage' logic to a bird you might as well apply it to all animals, such as more common pet animals, like dogs. Dogs are pack animals and are often kept in confined spaces with no companions of their own kind. If you give this animal enough attention and exercise, then there will be no problem (unless you're in PETA).
I think animals can be kept in cages. but when people think of cages, they think of small, metal, barred boxes that are cold and unpleasant. People don't realize that the pet industry is huge and many cages can be purchased for the most natural of environments for the most stickler of people. to use an example, you wouldn't put an adult ball python in a ten gallon cage would you? You just need to get a bigger cage. such as a FORTY GALLON .
writer's block,
many lulz,
animal rights