So yeah by the title you can guess whats going on I have a cat in the dorm room. I'm not supposed to, but she seems to be very good in here (sleeps a lot though) really cute cat too. If anyone wants her there more than welcome to her or if they know a good family that wants a cat. Shes potty trained and is a super lap cat. Well groomed and as far as I know no diseases or anything.
Thats her I don't hvae a name yet for her, but I'm trying to think of one.
As well as having a cat now, I finished my magazine ad thing
I like it so much more than the old one and the info on it is valid also.
If anyone has any more input please share I can use all the help I can get.
Alright I'll post pictures of the trip later, just wanted to post about the cat and the homework.
Please please please, help me find a great home for the kitty, She is super sweet, but I really don't want someone of authority to walk into my room and then next thing I know I'm booted out of EMU.