Aug 06, 2007 00:47
1. Truthfully, what is your happiest, most powerful memory involving only you and your family? (*patronus quality here ok?)
Sadly I really don’t have any happy memories when it comes to the whole family. Only really happy memories come from the simple things that I do with mum. But if I was reduced to conjuring a patronus from just memories of my family I could never do it. The truth is I feel that you and Dunja are my family more than anything, also as sad as it sounds the guys I hang out on WoW with I can realate to much more I guess because a handfull of them are in the same situation as I am, and they don’t have the pre jugement of someone new that I meet that I seem to get in person.
2. If you could meet ANYONE, dead/alive, famous/unkown, who would it be and why?
Wow, this is a hard one. There are a few people that I would love to meet and all of them dead, and one of them I’m not really sure why I would want to meet him other than to try to understand him. First off I’d love to meet Lewis Carroll even though he was a possible prdofile, he was a great photographer and one hell of an author. Antoher person on the same kind of track is Edger Allan Po, another strange person, but I’d love to get inside of his head and see whats going on. And the last and I have no idea why I would want to meet him and as crazy as it sounds is Hitler. The guy was a nut job and a mass murder, but I would ove to sit down and have a conversation with him before everything that he did.
3. What does it mean to be loyal?
Truth and fathfulness till the end. Expecaly for my friends, I would even say true loyality is standing by the person though thick and thin. Example say they were in a coma I would never leave their side till they would wake up. I suppose this borders on the line of love for some, but love and loyality are very close for me. Becoase for someone to have love they must be loyal to the person who they love.
The greatest example of loyality to me and how it is to me, is the story of Hachiko a japanese dog who his master told he to stay at a crossing and he would be back for him in a little while. His master left and was killed later on that day, the dog stood there for 15 years till he died. Now the dog is cast into a statue where people wait for their friends in Tokyo.
4. What is one of your greatest, semi-unkown ambition? Something you've always wanted to do, but havent neccessarily said it out loud, out of fear of the idea being ridiculed or called impossible? (*Keep it CLEAN, sir!)
I do have a not clean one for sure, but that’s more of a way to just express my self. But one thing that’s always there on the border of my mind is I want to find a way to make everyone happy. It’s an impossible task and sadly I know this, but it’s a lifes ambition that I want to even try to do. As you have seen I try to do this, but I’d like to find a way that I do not damage my self in the process and I have yet to find a way to do this so far.
5. What is your favorite dessert?
Dessert, eh? This is really a hard one, but an simple anwser. It would have a be a good and true rice pudding cake, I can’t think if there is another name for it, but it would be the cake for of it and not the equaly good one served in cup. Also its great when it has some rhum served over top of it.