Sorta-maybe meme

Feb 19, 2009 15:42

Playing along with jimhines  ...

1 year ago ... I was still here, still unemployed and full of writer's block, except for the enormous ongoing stories of my characters in MMOs that scratched the itch for me. I was preparing for another rat show and making plans to run one of our own. BVR Hatshepsut was pregnant with the Jabberwocky litter. I was enthusiastic about Obama and pissed off about the continued illegality of gay marriage (and still am on both counts!!)

5 years ago ... I'd been published in Realms of Fantasy and Flytrap. None of my other short stories were accepted where I sent them, and I was working on my novel and not too interested in the short stories. I'd moved into the house where I am now, and my Siamese bloodline was coming along well, but I'd lost my Daruka line and the Russian Cinnamon line except for one buck I'd given to Wendy, who saved the line for me.

10 years ago ... I was still running a LARP and an Amber game. I was dating and living with Caesar. The Pack was still living in the giant house in the ghetto in Sigsbee, all 8 of us. We'd had 2 camping trips and 2 Packmases at this point. The house contained 12 cats, 3 dogs, and a cageful of rats in addition to all the people.

20 years ago ... I was in sixth grade, I'd gotten into John Ball Zoo School and was entraptured with it. I was just beginning to discover that I did not have the math and science chops to realize my lifelong dream of being a vet, though my love of animals was as strong as ever and I knew I wanted to take care of them. I met Jenny Ledford and began telling stories with her; the first stories I shared with other people. I found I really really liked the way other people liked my stories.

30 years ago ... I was three. My younger brother had just been born. By all accounts, I did not take this development in my life well. I was an only child with intellectual parents who'd been given a ton of attention, enrichment and love and the loud stranger horning in was not cool. I tried to convince everyone that he was a girl, because if I had to have a sibling I wanted a sister. Apparently I managed to trip up my grandmother and several aunts/uncles into calling the baby "she."

40 years ago ... I was not born yet.


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