What the F^*$, Hillary!

May 09, 2008 15:38

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So... let me get this straight.

UNEDUCATED WHITE PEOPLE will vote for you. So... if you're not a lazy black person or an elitist snob who believes in education, you'll vote Hillary.

EVEN THOUGH it has been HISTORICALLY true that Democrats cannot get elected without the Black vote, NOT the other way around.

And EVEN THOUGH it is historically true that lower-class uneducated white voters usually vote Republican.

And EVEN THOUGH people who are ignorant jackasses who will not vote for a Black man will NOT be that much more likely to vote for a white woman because sexism and racism go hand-in-hand... the people who would vote for her because she's white will probably vote for McCain because he's a man.

THIS is the stronger coalition you think you can base a run for the POTUS on? BLATANT and frank racism?

Holy shit, someone PLEASE out this woman out of OUR misery!! She is a liar, and she's determined to leave nothing but scorched earth in the Democratic party, just to try and put Obama out of the running so she can go again in 2012.

I wouldn't vote for her with a gun to my head. And I'm pretty sure I literally mean that!

rant: presidential election, video: political, rant: racism

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