A bunch of random rattish stuff!

Oct 01, 2007 03:22

My girls are... HUGE!!

Both Drum and Toes are due on the sixth of October (that's 6 days from now) and they are both GINORMOUS already. Like, bigger than they should be, imo!! Kirstin had a girl give birth yesterday (yay for Willow!) and she didn't weigh more than these girls weigh NOW. Toes now weighs more than DP did on her LAST DAY with her crazy litter. LET THE FREAKING OUT BEGIN! ABOUT THREE DAYS EARLY! EEEE!

I will totally post pics of my two fatties tommorrow when the light is better, but for now, something that may (or may not!) interest you!

This is an excel chart of Drum's weight in grams since the day of mating (9/14) She started out at almost 300g (294.13g) and has now topped out to nearly 400 (386.262g) - I'm positive she'll be well over 400 before she has her kiddos.

Here's Toes - she was at Wendy's until the 16th, so I missed the first 2 days of post-pregnancy weight for her, but she was 311.844g on the 16th and is now a whopping 421.699g!! Though they are not the same weight (Toes is heavier boned and larger framed than Drum) they are gaining weight at almost exactly the same rate per day, which is really pretty cool!

Of course... Drum SHOULD slow down in comparison to Toes now... please! Toes is from a litter of 17, whose mother was from a litter of 15, and Peanut's from a litter of 15, so I'm EXPECTING a school bus from her. Drum's from a litter of 10, whose mother is from a litter of 4, and Oobleck is from a litter of 5... so I'm HOPING for a SMALL litter from her. Drum, don't fail me now!!

I'll post the actual numbers tomorrow (I know, I'm boring as hell, but I personally find this stuff just fascinating!) since the lines are a little vague. I can't make Excel do me any better though.

Kirstin and I designed a T-shirt last night! (well, mostly me, but Kirstin is VERY enthused since this basically depicts her last litter, with a phrase that she and I use all the time... it's why I got three American Blues out of my last Siamese litter instead of Russian Blues, and why she got boatloads of markings and an unknown color.

Here's the design!

Seriously. He does. He loathes us. If there's a tiny chance to get something OTHER than what we want... the whole litter will be full of it!!

And Kirstin got a pretty underhanded email today, but one that I'm not at all surprised by... I dunno why Kirstin was. Val's 15 year old daughter made Kirstin's current logo... it's a VERY simple lineart that is in fact a tracing of photographs taken by Kirstin of two of Kirstin's baby rats. Kirstin was very happy with this logo, despite the fact that it isn't what she's wanted since she started breeding (her rattery is named after one of two of the ships in Asimov's Foundation series and she's always wanted a little rat on a rocket, but no one would/could ever draw her one.)

Here's Kori's little design on the banner Kirstin designed for link-backs.

Well, Kori (shock of shocks) sent Kirstin an email today demanding the design be taken off Kirstin's site, since it was a gift "for a FRIEND" which Kirstin no longer is. More hurt feelings for Kirstin, and she was waffling on whether she actually had to take it off - since the artwork isn't original, it's actually taken from photos that belong to KIRSTIN, that ownership of the little design may be up in the air between them - but she decided to do so because she just wants to be DONE with the whole Valerie thing, not get into a whole NEW fight. She was still really annoyed though, and doesn't have a logo now.

So I made her one.

Yep, I'm aware the rocket is really terrible, and I don't care. Kirstin LOVED it. She was yelling on the phone with me "Oh my GOD IT'S A RAT ON A ROCKET SHIP!!!!" and started sniffling. So she's replacing all occurances of Kori's lineart with mine, and she's feeling a lot better.

I just wish she'd freaking stop hiding from Valerie. It's totally stressing me out. Actually, I'm feeling pretty oversensitive and non-supported from a lot of different angles lately, but I also recognize that this whole thing has stressed me right over the edge. The problem is that my friends all think I'm so tough that I don't even need any kind of cuddling or gentle treatment when shit goes down. Kirstin makes sad faces about the logo thing and everyone swoons over her... and C reminded me tonight that the Pack probably thinks I'm fine because "they've seen you handle a LOT worse." That's dumb. That's like saying that because you broke your leg once, if you break a finger it shouldn't hurt. Stuff doesn't stop hurting because you've been hurt worse. Bleh.

Oh, and I got my two Farstar cinnamon kiddos (referenced on the Tshirt design, lol) at Exalted on Saturday and I'll have pics of THEM up tomorrow too, hopefully.

Pritty picture day tommorrow, stay tuned!

rats: breeding, rats: valerie

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