Thing never come one at a time...

Aug 11, 2007 22:16

We almost lost Tamsen today.

He's had a UTI for the last couple of days, wandering around the house, being annoyed, yelling, squatting in random spots all over the house and straining but only producing a couple of drops if anything. He hasn't seemed in any particular pain, we have been feeling his bladder and it hasn't been blocked. We lost another cat, Dante, a couple years back to a urinary blockage that he never alerted us to until it was way too late, and C and I still have horrible guilt over that. So we were watching Tamsen pretty closely.

This morning he was in full-on blockage mode, and not only that, he was going into shock. We rushed him to the vet to have him flushed out, and we were just hoping that it was just the swelling from the UTI and not crystals or stones. We basically emptied out our last paycheck to pay for Tasha, and this one to cover Tamsen (yay ramen! *sighs*) and we really couldn't cover it if he needed stone-removal surgery. Like, literally couldn't.

Luckily he came through the flushing great, he's on new ABs and he's all right... and we can bring him on Monday to the vet that lets us pay in installments when we have to. Why oh why the hell do animals and furnaces have to get sick on weekends?

Jack, Corinthian, Avi, Tamsen, Kismet (Tam's sister)

Poor Caesar. More cat sickness right on top of Tasha, and one of his favorites to boot. Actually, Tamsen is one of everyone's favorites. Not a single one of my friends hasn't "offered" at one point or another to steal Tamsen for themselves, jokingly or not. Even my mom, who's really allergic. Tamsen is completely retarded (and I say that seriously - if cats get Down's, he's got it) but amazingly sweet. He had a phobia of the floor for a couple years and would only walk on furniture (this is Fox's fault, long story) he loves everything and everyone that comes into our house, including new puppies. He's the only animal in the house who's totally ok with Kiy, despite the fact she chews on his tail and ears.

He's a wonderful, wonderful cat. We got him in May 1998, so he's been with us for almost 9 years. I hate the way these effing things pile up on one another, I fucking hate it so much. Hopefully, Tamsen will be good for the weekend, he's going great now, and we can take him down to Dr. Patterson Monday. As long as he doesn't block up again on Sunday, when, oh joy, we'll be spending the entire day in Detroit with Caesar's family for his stepdad's retirement (and spending time with C's family is a high-stress event ANY TIME.)

Also I found out one of my absolute favorite rats and a planned cornerstone of my breeding plans is not actually a Russian Blue, he's a really REALLY GOOD American Blue. Which would be great if I was fucking breeding for American Blue, but I'm not, I'm breeding Russian Blue. He's the same color as a Russian Blue on top, but has a light undercoat. I should have realized it earlier, but honestly it never occured to me to QUESTION it, he's so dark. When I used to breed Amblues, it was more of a denim/sky blue, not steel blue. And... that's the father of the litter I just bred. Guess what ALL THREE of the blues in it are? *mutter*

Also, the litter has conjunctivitis right now. It's not hurting them, but I can't take pictures because their eyes are all swollen shut.

I hate the way crap piles up.

rats: breeding, cats: veterinary, photos: cats, tamsen

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