Because I wanna show off! Look, the Blood of Amber has a CASTLE!! And I rebuilt and redecorated it and it's full of STUFF! And it's awesome! So, here is the guided tour!
Here is the foyer/entrance room. I try not to clog it up with too much junk because I gotta put doorways in all the walls and stuff. That glowy blue thing is the transporter which brings you in and out of the castle. Those are our guild banners hanging on the wall!
Another view of the foyer. You can see our trophies along the wall there - the longer you play the game, the more you collect decorative items which can be placed in your base in order to show the stuff you've conquered. That's a Carnival of Shadows mallet, a case of the Hamidon's goo (eew, Martin put that there,) and a Rikti alien gun. Over to the left, you see the entrance to the workshop. To the right, if you were to pivot, you'd see the hospital/medbay.
Here is our hospital (with the guild symbol on the floor! woot!) medical facility. The red rings hovering in the air are our resurrection ring. With that, we can choose to resurrect in our base instead of in the zone hospital, when we're defeated. This is handy because some zones (Hazard Zones) don't have their own hospital, so you rez a couple zones back, wherever the last hospital was. When you rez in your base, you exit the base near the mission door where you died. Which is a really big time-saver sometimes!!
(Let's hear it for no-corpseruns!!)
And if you turn through the left doorway past those little stone tables...
The Blood of Amber teleportation room! Again, that's our banners on the wall. The big glowy purple thing is a 2-zone teleporter. That one's attuned to Steel Canyon and Talos Island, and almost every zone has a BasePortal that lets you get into your base. If you're far away, say in Atlas Park, and you want to get to Talos without having to get to a zone with a Green Line tram, you can hit the castle and then port straight there! It's great!
We should be getting our second teleporter very soon!
Back through the foyer and into the workshop!
Here's our workroom! It includes a personal Vault (on the wall) and Base-building Salvage storage (the big shelfy thing straight ahead), a Forge to turn Base Salvage into base stuff (the glowy table) and a personal worktable and a place to store the Enhancements you make (right on the right there.) Since there's no mail system in CoH (booo!) the only way to get stuff to your alts is to make a recipe into an enhancement and then chuck it into Enhancement storage, then have the alt pick it up. Or hand it off to someone else and have them hand it over.
And now my favorite room - the giant living space area!!
The Library of the Blood! You can see our logo'd guild meeting table and the podium behind it, the little sitting area for browsing the books, and the raised personal sleeping and relaxing rooms.
That raised balcony up on the wall is great for the flying characters to hang out and socialize or read, and it's where we make the constructs sit during guild meetings. No chairs for you! >.>
One of the personal rooms.
Eidolon in a living space, to give an idea of scale. She's a little over 5' tall.
Another living area, with trophies and a poster on the wall and a pair of beds.
I swear, if we could have had housing like this, either guild or personal, I might have been more inclined to stay in WoW. Being able to have something like this - private, entertaining, decorated in whatever style you like, and yet still providing the guild with great functional power items - is just really incredibly fun.