Hello, Hurray!

Jul 05, 2021 08:11

The 4th is over, the damn firework noise can start going away, now!

It seems to me that several people on my flist are suddenly not 'mutual' anymore. That is; they have *me* listed as a friend, but somehow they are not listed back as my friend. Which is nutty, because some of these people? I have been mutual friends with for a decade or more.

So I dunno what's going on with LJ (pretty sure it's exclusively LJ). But of course, those people couldn't see my 'friends only' post, and I saw one of them remarking in another mutual's post about how 'Tabaqui hasn't posted since last year'...... So - WHAT IS GOING ON!
So this post is going to be public so that if you and I are friends, but suddenly you're not seeing my friends-only posts, we can fix that.
*pokes LJ*

Hello, my dear flist. Long time, no post, as usual. But, there just isn't a ton of stuff going on in my life, and the urge to post is low when writing is such a damn *struggle*, anyway. Though I still persevere.

ExSO is doing really well his heart and his stents and his new, modified, low-salt diet, heh. He was shocked and disgruntled by how much sodium there was in all his favorite snacks, like sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Poor guy. :D

The weather here has been variable and frankly weird. Frost warnings in June, heat indexes over 100 for days at a time.... A whole week of rain and flash-flood watches and whatnot, followed by the most delightful weather imaginable. I did have the pleasure of watching a wee cardinal take a bath in what is, apparently, the standing water in one of my gutters. Need to get that fixed.

Otherwise, things are just...going. Delta-V COVID is on a meteoric rise in my state (shocking), and I'm so very glad I and Monstrous Bebe have got our vax, but WTF. Masks not coming off for the rest of year, far as I'm concerned.

Fandom seems to be the same as ever, and the recent J2 wank was...well. Wanky, heh. I'm watching 'Loki' and enjoying it a lot more than I thought I would. Watching a lot of non-US Netflix stuff (Katla, from Iceland, Equinox, from Denmark, some S. Korean sci-fi stuff, Call My Agent, from France....)

The best thing about non-US stuff, to me, is that when things get weird of scary or dangerous? The FIRST impulse is not 'get a gun, shoot it'. That's damn refreshing.

Anyway - I hope you all are doing well, enjoying summer (or winter), and reading this happy or at least not *un* happy.
*smishes you all*

Originally entered at https://tabaqui.dreamwidth.org/220464.html - comment where you please!


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