Hey, there! It is Juneteenth!

Jun 19, 2020 10:37

Well, so much for meme and posting! Heh. Sorry, guys. I think - and this is no reflection on my flisties who are doing the meme - I'm just not finding the questions all that interesting vis a vis: things I want to answer.

So i'm looking for something else, because I *do* like chatting and communicating with you all, and I need to make ( Read more... )


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Comments 24

sparrow2000 June 20 2020, 00:37:17 UTC
Oh I hear you. I'm finding the meme questions increasingly inane - I'm just in 'I've started so I'll finish' mode.

I had no idea of the stuff going on at AO3 - thank you for the links!


tabaqui June 20 2020, 00:39:13 UTC
Right? Argh. Maybe I should write my own. :D
You're welcome. I hope the signal gets boosted more - it's ridiculous that AO3 isn't saying *something*.


thismaz June 20 2020, 07:00:33 UTC
Trepkos gave me a link to that first post, but thanks for the second one.


tabaqui June 20 2020, 14:36:57 UTC
Of course!


trepkos June 20 2020, 10:12:26 UTC
I would have been amazed at the thought that someone would go to the trouble of writing an offensive fic, and gifting it to a person whom it would offend, except that a few years ago, I was the victim of a sock-puppet army from Australia, which must also have taken a lot of work to maintain ... Some people have too much time and not enough empathy.


tabaqui June 20 2020, 14:36:42 UTC
Right? All of this. Just...wtf is going through your head, you utter twat, to do that kind of thing? WHY? It's both baffling and revolting.


ariss_tenoh June 20 2020, 12:23:06 UTC
I'm not sure I understand the AO3 issue, the post seems to be talking in a roundabout way. So there are demands for racism as a warning? And wanting a block function?


tabaqui June 20 2020, 14:35:55 UTC
Yes. Apparently, people are somehow targeting writers of color. Previously, they were writing extremely ugly, racist fic and *gifting* that fic to these writers (they've now made it so you can turn that function off, it seems, or in some way moderate it). They would also mark the person as a 'co writer' on this gross fic. That's been fixed now, too ( ... )


ariss_tenoh June 21 2020, 06:00:48 UTC
Thank you for explaining it. I'm sure Naye is friendly but the way they write makes it difficult for me to understand what they're actually trying to say.

Hmm... from a legal/moral viewpoint, Ao3 should release a statement but considering the climate in the US right now anything will be viewed as too little or not enough. I'm not sure how one can force people to use tags, especially if these attackers are intentionally trying to target certain writers. Also, it's a fiction archive run by volunteers whom I suspect have no desire to police things even if they should.

This is the downside of fandom going mainstream. So many taking what they view as "social/political activism" into areas that aren't the right place for it. From attacking non-white/non-het members of fandom to wanting to set rules for how to write fic/pairings/correct sex. It's crazy.


tabaqui June 21 2020, 06:13:59 UTC
I think they definitely need to make a statement, and I think they need to do whatever is necessary for people to protect themselves - like block abusive users 100 percent from their accounts, that kind of thing.

But as for policing racism...it's just not possible, in the way that some people are wanting, I think.


texanfan June 20 2020, 17:12:30 UTC
Wow! I had no idea. I tend to go to AO3 and read fanfic and not bother with comments so I was clueless. Thanks for letting me know. We all have to fight this wherever we can.

I have to admit, I have no idea how they even know an author is a person of color. I may be clueless but I have no way of knowing unless I've met them in person.


tabaqui June 20 2020, 17:22:20 UTC
You're welcome.

I don't know, either, unless it's in a profile, or in the fic notes, of if they've followed them from Tumblr or Twitter or something. Apparently, jerks will find a way.


ariss_tenoh June 21 2020, 05:49:06 UTC
Likely from twitter as so many list their real age, sex, nationality, even sexual orientation on their profile. I personally find it baffling to offer so much personal information but to each their own.


tabaqui June 21 2020, 06:12:28 UTC
Yeah, that's just nutty. I have my real name on FB, but none of that other stuff, and it's all locked down and whatnot. Crazy stuff!


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