You are my sunshine, my only sunshine.....

Jul 19, 2019 17:25

Yup, another Sunshine Challenge!
And while i appreciate a nice, sunny day as much as the next person, we've had temps close to 100, humidity in the high 80's/low 90's, and a heat index of over 100 for the last five days.
BLECH. (That's a heat index of about 40c for my non-Fahrenheit-using flisties.)

So - this week's challenge is:

I don't have a wishlist, myself, and i honestly can't bring to mind one i've seen anywhere. Not saying I don't want to fulfil a wish, but...i have no idea where to look?

My only wish, if i had a wishlist (besides MOOOOAR FIC from my favorite authors) would be for art of any kind, or podfic of any fic.

So, there you go!

I do have a favor to ask. I want to write more fic tropes 'my way' (like my A/B/O fic), but i'm having a hard time thinking of tropes. As usual, when i need something, my brain refuses to provide. I've been thinking about a de-aged Steve and Bucky fic, and! Snow mentioned 'meet cute'. But that's all. So - any suggestions? Any tropes you all like a lot? Won't say i'll write them all, but it would be nice to have a selection to peruse!

And LJ finally let me load a damn picture, so -

All that bushy stuff at the bottom is my spearmint plants, going nuts. :D

Originally entered at - comment where you please!


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