I dunno about any of you, but I *could not* access Dreamwidth yesterday. It just would not load, no matter what. So annoying.
So - a belated but very heart-felt HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! to my dearest and nearest,
sweptawaybayou . I luff ya, my dear! *smishes*
Now, the last two challenges! Yay, I finished! :D
Honestly, I think fandom is only going to get bigger, and brighter, and more interesting. It's not quite such a 'thing' to be a part of fandom now; people are realizing it's fun and interesting and accessible, *not* just for super-geeky 'weirdos' hiding out in basements. I think that younger fans are seeing they can be 'fannish' without being made fun of, and that fandom can offer a family and friends that they may not be able to find in 'real life'.
I think about the Supernatural fandom, that spawned 'Random Acts', and amazing deeds of generosity and love, and charities and help lines and *family*.... I think that's the future of fandom, and I think that's a good thing.
I wanted to interact more with my flist, mostly. I feel like, in the last few years, I just am not *here* enough. I feel so frustrated sometimes, like my brain just can't deal with words and thoughts, it's all just so *much*, it seems so overwhelming. Which is *frustrating*.
I think it's like a muscle i'm not using enough, and I wanted to exercise it. And I have really enjoyed talking, and reading, though I still feel like I could participate more. I hope that posting like this will help jump-start me a little.
Plus - it's just been *fun*, to talk about fandom and fic and things, and chat with my flisties.
*hugs you all*
There we have it! Whooo! Thank you, all, for participating and being part of the challenge with me!
Originally entered at
https://tabaqui.dreamwidth.org/204516.html - comment where you please!