This is the world we live in.....

Aug 11, 2018 10:28

And it's glorious!!
Sebastian Stan, our very own BUCKY, thinks fanfiction is a good way to work out your feelings and emotions - specifically over the ending of Infinity Wars. Whooo! :D

This is a Facebook link to an interview. If you can't or won't go to FB, here's the essence of it in print.

I luff this guy.
TO BE CLEAR: He is not asking for you to send him your Steve/Bucky D/s A/B/O mpreg masterpiece. Let's all have a little dignity, m'kay?


Hullo, flist! Yes, I'm still here, still writing (holy fuck), still reading, just not talking a lot. Stupid brain.

Plus - dreadfully hot summer which makes me all...lazy. Plus, just...i dunno. Weird over-fifty brain. WHO KNOWS.

I'm going to be in Maryland, specifically Emmitsburg, in September, at the National Fire Academy. Doing a class in Community Risk Reduction. Fun times, eh? Anybody here live near there? What's it like in Maryland in September? Should I pack sweaters?

Ah, fuckit, I'm gonna pack sweaters no matter what, every building ever is so damn air conditioned, they're like meat lockers.

Love ya, flist! Hope to hear from you!


Originally entered at - comment where you please!

fandom, personal

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