Posting! Reccing!

Jan 23, 2018 19:44

So, you all may have noticed that last week, I posted a bunch of drabbles to AO3 (my Obsession 'verse RPF ones). That's because sweptawaybayou made a 'collections' page over there for any and all drabbles that have been posted at the slashthedrabble Livejournal (owned, as we all know, but darkhavens, currently maintained by Snow).

It's right here: Slash_The_Drabble. If you've posted at the LJ, you can post on AO3 and add it to the collection Slash_The_Drabble. To be notified of postings there, I think you have to have Snow make you a member, but of course - that woudln't be a big deal. :)

I love that things are being archived at AO3 - while I love LJ and DW, I sometimes have a lot of trouble reading on various pages there, especially if people have chosen dark color backgrounds or small or pale text. AO3 is just easier on my aging eyes.

Now - this is post one. In about an hour? I'm going to post two new chapters of my Space AU, Yesternight. I SWEAR - i am not doing this on purpose. Every time i start writing, *more* story happens than I thought would happen, and it just gets *longer*. I am trying so hard to finish this story, you guys. Swear to gods.

We have entered the roller coaster phase of winter here, with temps in the high fifties, then below zero with snow, then fifties again with rain and wind like crazy. So of course - i have the sniffles!!

Anyway - post away, if you drabble, or read away - both are good. :) And stay tuned!

Originally entered at - comment where you please!


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