Various things...just general news.

Jan 31, 2013 20:00

Hello, hello.

This is me, blinking up out of hibernation like a very grumpy bear. I feel a bit...weird, having so few things to post lately. It's unsettling.

Anyway - other than yo-yo weather here (warm! cold! snow! torrential rain!) things are generally staid and predictable. Wheee!

I'm going to be putting up fic over at AO3. I tried with 'Changes', and there was some kind of enormous glitch going on - don't ask - but posting new chapters was not working. So i gave up on it.

Instead, i'm going to be posting shorter/non-chaptered Supernatural and Buffy stuff, until most everything is up. 'Treadmill' went up yesterday, and it's all one page, as opposed to the several on LJ. I'm going to do that with a number of the fics that were posted in 'chapters' on LJ - most of them were broken up only because of LJ's stupid character limitations.

So! If you subscribe to my AO3 page, you'll start getting notifications - be warned! :)

Fandom-wise.... I am happy with Show. Always happy with Show. Enjoying the hell out of it, actually. Looking forward to Falling Skies and Walking Dead and Mad Men coming back. And in general just...feeling good. Wheee!

Speaking of Falling Skies - LithiumDoll wrote me the most wonderful fic. Three Families Dai Lost (And One He Didn't). Go and read! It's just delightful.

Hope everyone is well - hello, flist, I'm still here! Heh. :)

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fandom, personal

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