*Meep*!! for sure.

Sep 03, 2009 23:57

I just realized something. I am a total asshat. Someone out there, some delightful person, made lovely pdf files of Wolfpack. And linked them to me, and worked very hard to make them pretty and *i*, in Senior Citizen moment of epic proportions, totally forgot to pimp them here, *or* to bookmark where the links are. Jayzus. God.

Please please, you out there, speak up so i can share them with everyone! I feel like such a heel.

ETA: WHOOOOOOT! too_rational FTW!!!
You can find the .pdf of Aftermath at zshare and mediafire, and Wolfpack at zshare and mediafire.

Thank you again! *twirls you*

Also, along the same lines, my spn_summergen fic - the one that was written for me - has been posted. Several days ago. Yeesh. So finally, i pimp! I was waiting until the reveal, but that seems to be taking a while, so even though people seem not to leave comments on anonymous fic as much - which is silly! Comment!! - i'm going to link. So go! Read! :)

Too Little, Too Late.

So, there, my mea culpa moments of the week! :)
*twirls you all in circles*

Only SIX MORE DAYS until Show is back! Eeeeeee!

personal, spn

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