May Maunderings....

May 18, 2009 22:15

Well, not *too* pointless, heh.

This past Monday, my Mom had her left knee replaced. She had the right one done about six years ago, and the last couple years has had a *lot* of pain from her degenerating left knee. So it was about time!

On Friday i went down to where she lives to help her get home and such, but she wasn't feeling well enough to leave the hospital, and ended up not coming home until Saturday. She's doing very well, actually - stiff and sore from lying in bed for so long, and her foot is a bit swollen, but when i left Sunday she was pretty chipper.

Now she just has to endure being 'nursed' by my two brothers. Eeep! Boys are just not very good nurses.

My almost-sis-in-law also graduated from college on Friday, with a degree in Mathmatics - major - and a minor in Art. AND, my nephew graduated from High School, and is going to college in the fall. Yay! Both of them worked hard and graduated with honors, and i'm so proud of them!

Lastly - the delightful and talented catsbycat made art for me! Two separate gifts of art for my 'South China Sea' Vietnam AU. They're lovely and amazing and i hope everyone who liked the fic will go and see them!

Rare downtime, featuring both boys, and JT and Sarge. Scroll a bit for those two, they're at the end.


personal, china sea, spn

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