I have a question, oh flist...

Jun 29, 2008 23:07

Or perhaps it's a rant. I dunno. Anyway. Reading some nice, long big bang fics. And it's wonderful to get good, meaty stories. Wonderful! But...

Is it just me? And it's possible, but...is it just me who gets really, really tired of the 'find one true love, date/hang out with/have sex with one true love, have some massive fight/misunderstanding/freakout, lose one true love, pine for days/months/years over lost love, reconnect and live happily ever after' story line? I mean... Yes, okay. Stories need, apparently, some kind of 'angst' or 'drama' or.....whatever. But...it all seems so *contrived*, and not in the good way.

If i was madly in love, and suddenly my best friend said 'oh, by the way, your soul mate was mackin' on so and so at this party'... My first impulse would *not* be to move out and not talk to them for six months. My *first* impulse would be to confront them, find out the whole story, and *then* decide on what to do.

Am i too boringly practical for fiction? Am i just a spoilsport? I dunno. I'm stuck in one of the original things i'm writing right now because...i don't have any *drama!* . I just don't have some...big, dark, secret from the past *gag*, or some horrible sin or *whatever* to make a big...thing...happen in the story. Why *can't* Tod and London just hang out and be in love and figure out some things? Why does there *have* to be omg!angst! and such?

Tell me, flist, if i am just a dork or *what*, 'cause....i just dunno. Not that i'm hatin' on the stories with this sort of theme, but sometimes i just wish it could go down different.

And, 'cause rahmi did it and i suddenly got the mad urge to lemming her...
*seriously not for dial-up image below*

Normally, there would also be a little tab for my Yahoo chat window that says 'sweptawaybayou', but she's already in bed.

Now, i'm off to vegetate in front of the tv for a little bit. :)


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