'The Canon's Mouth' - Spn fic....

Apr 02, 2008 00:44

Something new - something shortish. Just a one-off sort of thing I wrote after some comments made over in lemmealone's journal about Dean, and what he might be like post-hell. So, i suppose this is for her. :)

darkhavens did the beta, of course, and sweptawaybayou cheered me on. So thank you, my dears!

ETA: Now with extra 'verseiness! This is now the Aftermath 'verse ( Read more... )

aftermath, spn

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Comments 222

lemmealone April 2 2008, 06:09:38 UTC
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! OH IT'S JUST GORGEOUS. Oh, man. The PTSD thing with the little compulsions and the flinches and the fear and the way he IS like someone come back from a horrible war and OH DEAN.



tabaqui April 2 2008, 14:42:07 UTC
Thank you thank you, bay-bee!
For reason, writing it was *hard*, but...i had to do it.


Sorry Lovie... cattraine April 2 2008, 06:22:45 UTC
But you can't leave it at that! Sam has some work to do and TLC to administer, and if any demons show up...well, they're toast courtesy of Dean.


Re: Sorry Lovie... tabaqui April 2 2008, 14:42:27 UTC
Ah ha ha!
I'll take that as a compliment.


delphinapterus April 2 2008, 06:59:41 UTC
This has got to be one of the tensest post-hell traumatized Dean's I've read. You really got through Sam's complete tension and Dean's desperation once he just couldn't handle things anymore.


tabaqui April 2 2008, 14:42:46 UTC
Thank you so much!


calijirl5150 April 2 2008, 07:06:10 UTC
WOW - that was powerful. My male is ex-Army & I know exactley what Sammy is feeling right now. Ran this by the male & he said to tell you "tabawui got Dean dead straight on"

WOnderful job.


tabaqui April 2 2008, 14:43:26 UTC
Oh, now, *thank you*. The best...validation, i guess, comes from someone who knows. I really appreciate that!
Glad you enjoyed.


marciaelena April 2 2008, 07:27:04 UTC
I *loved* this. I loved the details you wove into it, the faint, almost not-there scars on Dean's body, the tension and skittishness in him, Sam's guilt and helplessness and love. Four months in Hell probably feels like four centuries for Dean, and I loved it that you only hinted at the horrors he might've endured there, only enough to make us, the readers, imagine it. Because nothing is more terrifying than our own fears. And of course, I'd love to read more of this, if you ever feel inspired to add to it.

I found a typo, sorry, I hope it's okay:

"I won't, you fuckers, I won't, you're lying. He's not...he's can't be...I'm...I'll....get out, kill every f-fucking one of you, I -" Head down, seeing - something. Not seeing what was in front of him, Sam was sure. His lip was bleeding and Dean licked it - turned his head a little and spat, grimacing. "Fucking kill all of you...." Dean was trembling, his legs wobbling and then he was falling. Knees giving out and his coat scraping down the fence - hand slapping at the pallets and losing ( ... )


tabaqui April 2 2008, 14:46:30 UTC
Thank you thank you!
I've always felt that exhaustive description of whatever 'horror' - be it nightmare, torture, or war - generally tends to give it less of an impact.

And all corrections cheerfully accepted! Thanks!


marciaelena April 2 2008, 15:54:48 UTC
I've always felt that exhaustive description of whatever 'horror' - be it nightmare, torture, or war - generally tends to give it less of an impact.

I agree 100%. The kind of horror that really gets to me is the one that doesn't show much and leaves most of it to your imagination. You're a wonderful writer, so of course you understand that. :-)


tabaqui April 2 2008, 16:11:04 UTC
Yes, exactly! Like the first 'Alien' movie, heh.

Thank you!


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