New SPN fic...'Wolfpack' 1/1

Feb 16, 2007 21:23

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spn, wolfpack

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Comments 169

qotfu February 17 2007, 04:01:27 UTC
oohhh... this is beautiful. I love the sense of the bond between the three of them, the unquestionable loyalty. a perfect self-contained unit. The clarity of Ellen's observation in the last paragraph just summed it all up, uncomplicated affection and joy, not so bad at all.
Thankyou for writing this, I'm definitely saving it to read again and again.


tabaqui February 17 2007, 05:11:03 UTC
Thank you so much! I love the thought of them being loyal to family and no other.


ladyjanelly February 17 2007, 04:07:29 UTC
Holy crap.

I don't think I've read anything so beautiful and so ugly at the same time in ages. It's like the way they were meant to be, and the way we're glad they're not.

Perfectly told from Ellen's POV, probably the only way it could have been.



tabaqui February 17 2007, 05:11:51 UTC
Thank you so much! I was a little nervous about writing from Ellen's pov - so glad it worked!


katbcoll February 17 2007, 04:11:46 UTC
Still love this!

For the hands? Try something called (I'm gonna hope I spell it right) Eucerin. I can find it at Target and Walgreens, so you shouldn't have a problem. If all else fails (and your husband doesn't mind), try slathering on vaseline and wearing cotton gloves to bed.

*hugs* hope the hands get less lizardy and ouchy soon!


tabaqui February 17 2007, 05:13:06 UTC

Hrmmmmm. Don't have either of those stores here - i'll look around. I mostly use super glue to glue the splits shut - works really well - but i don't have any right now! But yeah, knuckles and fingers all dry and cracked and flakey. Sheesh. :)


katbcoll February 17 2007, 05:16:30 UTC
If you can't find it anywhere, drop me a line. I'll ship some to you!


tabaqui February 17 2007, 15:48:44 UTC
Ooo... Lemme look around and i'll get back to you. Thanks!


sorrelchestnut February 17 2007, 04:36:54 UTC
I have no words for this. I'm completely stunned here. What a beautiful and creepy look at how it could have been. I was reading it and I couldn't help but see Angelus and company in the Winchesters- beautiful, deadly, devoted. Some of the best stories I've read in this fandom get into just how far that family can go with and for each other, and this hit the spot rather exactly. Frightening, but wonderful. Great job.


tabaqui February 17 2007, 05:13:44 UTC
Thank you so much! That's it exactly - devoted and deadly. And creepy! Yay!


sorrelchestnut February 17 2007, 05:22:33 UTC
Heh, don't you love that feeling? When someone says, "hey, great job on x," and x is just exactly what you were going for in the story. It never fails to make my day when I hear it, so I'm glad I could say it for you. And of course, it goes without saying that it was absolutely true. ^^


tabaqui February 17 2007, 15:47:06 UTC
Yes!! I do love that.


_outercourse February 17 2007, 04:51:43 UTC
Beautiful. Just too fucking hot and scary and awesome. AUs are always weird to me, but even though I love how the show is NOW, this is just too perfect, a what if that could be so completely real, because it's not that far from canon now.

As a side note, I actually read "The Jungle Book" because I think you mentioned it in a Spander fic you wrote, and I loved it completely. Also, it was weird seeing your username in print like that (and finally being able to pronounce it), and thinking about your wonderful fanfic while reading about tricky jungle creatures :]


tabaqui February 17 2007, 05:14:53 UTC
Thank you thank you!

Oh, did you read it? Neat! I love to think i inspired somebody to pick it up. I've loved Kipling most of my life, so yay! Heeeee - i guess it might be weird to see my name over and over. Heh.
Thanks for telling me!

*luffs that conniving little jackal*


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