A bit of a different fic... 'Two Fusiliers' - s/a - part one

Jan 18, 2007 16:41

As some of you know, the 14th was sweptawaybayou's birthday. Yay! And some of us got together and made its_snow_day - a comm *just for Snow*! 'Cause we luff her and she deserves it ( Read more... )

fusiliers, buffy'verse, spangel

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Comments 33

allegraconbrio January 18 2007, 23:21:12 UTC
Oh, TAB! I love this. Man, I miss my show.

So great, babe. *applause*


tabaqui January 19 2007, 00:46:02 UTC
Thank you so much!
I know. I miss too!


angstpuppy January 18 2007, 23:36:01 UTC
Ooooh, the thought plikens. More, plz?


tabaqui January 19 2007, 00:46:18 UTC
Thank you!


julia_here January 18 2007, 23:48:03 UTC
Oh, my, what a start!

Can't wait to see more of this, with the place Spike's carved out for himself at odds with his usual inability to stay out of the big fight.

Julia, wow.


tabaqui January 19 2007, 00:47:22 UTC
Thank you thank you!
I hope what i *do* write stands up!


sweptawaybayou January 19 2007, 00:07:41 UTC

I looooooove this story. And I'm so caught up in what might/will happen!

**twirls you 'round**

Thank you again, Tabi!! Thank you.



tabaqui January 19 2007, 00:47:45 UTC
*hugs you hard*
I'm so, so glad you like this.


bendtothesun January 19 2007, 02:36:23 UTC
Oh, hmm, intruiging.

It's a very interesting premise, what with the demon community on the brink of war and the Slayers oraganizing with *military* tactics (it may be helpful to mention that I have a bit of a kink when it comes to war stories) and Saint Buffy pouting her pretty mouth, and I'm definatly looking forward to more story on this one.

Or ignored as best he could a six-foot-whatever hulk of black leather and gloom.

It's Pooh or Eeyore rather, with the little rain cloud following him around wherever he goes. Err, I think it was Eeyore rather (I could be getting my fandoms mixed up but I distinctly remember... *muttering*), it doesn't help that ever since then I've had "Well I'm just a little black rain cloud..." being sung in my head by a rather jovial Angel.

Heard that they were sidling up to the government - heard that they were starting to take on the trappings and tricks of a certain secret military organization and Spike...did not approve.I love, love, love that Spike gets why that isn't a good thing and Angel, at ( ... )


tabaqui January 19 2007, 02:44:38 UTC
Heeeeee! Eeyore was always all gloomy and doomy. I don't remember a rain cloud but then...Disney could have done anything! Heh.

Sometimes, Angel is a little...short sighted. He probably approved of the Initiative in some ways. Sometimes.
*pets him*

Hrmmmmm....not sure what you're saying about the name thing. 'My' Spike generally likes to call Angel 'Angelus' to his face, because he thinks the whole Angel/Angelus thing is stupid and poncy and weird. And he's *Angelus* to Spike for all time, so...

Thank you, glad you read even though the pairing doesn't thrill you.


bendtothesun January 19 2007, 03:14:17 UTC
*Snort* oh no, I completely agree that he would call him Angelus. As I tend to agree with your Spike's opinion on the whole Angel/Angelus thing. I simply meant that you spelled it 'Angleus' as opposed to Angelus.

...And now I need a Eeyore! Angel icon.


tabaqui January 19 2007, 03:17:53 UTC
That didn't even register. Good lord.



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