Charity Drive - Final Total!!!

Dec 16, 2010 01:20

We did it.

It doesn't just happen in the movies, folks... An Anon Angel came through at the very end, donating a good hunk of money to make up the leftover difference and allow us to make our $2000 goal!!

Then, of course, our matching funds kicked in...and hey! $4000 going to Direct Relief in Tabrett's name!

Heh. I admit it, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to go crash now. But again - you all are awesomeness itself!!

And I so wish that our Anon angels weren't so humble, 'cause we had quite a few people who came through with extremely generous contributions over the course of this drive, so I can only say it this way, here: Bless you and thank you. You made a big difference.

BeautifulLauren and I both appreciate, so much, everyone who pitched in and was supportive.

As soon as I have documentation from Direct Relief, I'll post a pic of it here, for full disclosure's sake... Meanwhile, celebrate!!!

FINAL Total: $2,000 USD
Goal: $2,000 USD

After Matching Funds:
Total Donation Amount: $4,000 USD


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