Thank you Sholli!! I liked you. I liked your play. It's never forgot.
The last game of Sholli. Olli played wonderfully.
When they met for the first time, they were in teens. They were in Karlsruhe.
Olli made a mistake in the game of Real/Bayern. As a result, Bayern was removed from CL. Olli was very depressed. A teammate couldn't comfort him. But, only Scholli could encourage and comfort him. Olli says that he's "special friend". That he disappears and feels loneliest may be Olli.
Scholli and his son. I have seen them at a clubhouse. Small Scholli was quite good. Will he be a player of Bayern in the future, too?
Scholl: Die Momente, in denen es sich wirklich lohnt, Fusball-Profi zu sein, sind, wenn man Olli Kahn beim Einseifen zusieht.