Jun 24, 2005 11:09
went WELL obviously, they called me a few mins ago.... I GOT THE JOB!!
yup, first try i got the job, no major waiting or anything.
It is someone ive known forever but didnt know till he called me back yesterday that it was him.
I dont know him well but he was a good friend of my step dads for years and years.
I will be a milker, parlor style, not what im used to but only real differance is the cows come to the milkers not the milkers to the cows, and NO dumping of milk!
16 cows milk at once, bring in 8 get them started, bring in other 8 get them started by that time the first 8 is done and ready to go out, then bring in next and so on. takes about 4 hours to milk and clean after. 150-175 cows total
i will be working about 8 hours a day 6 days a week. 7$ an hour to start.
Will be training on tractor some since i havent used skids before, that should be interesting. thats the only thing im nervous about.
I love cows, i love farms, milking is fun to me, hell even shoveling cow shit doesnt phase me in the least, feeding watering etc, not a big deal at all!
I know this will be far better for me that what the resteraunt was.
One i dont deal well with people, i have a very very few close knit friends, i can count them on one hand. I have others who i consider friends, but im a nervous and shy gal in person. (shup you who have met and know me, i really am till i get to know ya very quiet, most of ya can say yup to that!)
So i think there is a total of 6 workers there, i dont kn ow for sure maybe more. he has 60 feilds to tend to hay, corn, silage etc, so he hires in for milking, and other genral stuff as well as moveing tractors equipment etc
im excited, start time in morning is 5:45 evening 5 not bad really
now off to find rides for the first few weeks since i will be working a lot of days that mom works as well.
YAY me!