I write so much Buffyverse fiction that it probably seems like that's my only fandom. In fact, it's my third; it just happens to be the one on which I've spent the most time and energy for the past few years. Despite my initial resistance to it due to its popularity, Harry Potter was my first fictional obsession and the reason I even found out about fanfiction in the first place, and even though I only read Pride and Prejudice the first time because it was assigned reading in my high school freshman English class, I fell in love with it, and I might have had a character crush on Mr. Darcy before I even knew about Angel. Recently, those two fandoms have gotten some well-deserved attention from my muse.
For the first time in a long time, I wrote a
new Harry Potter fic. I've had the end result of this one in mind ever since I got to the epilogue in Deathly Hallows, but I couldn't figure out how to get there until I reread the book again in preparation for seeing the movie. It's a second generation one-shot (unless I can think of compelling plottiness that would make it worthwhile to continue it, but I'm not really trying very hard to do that) that follows on Rose, Albus, and Scorpius from their first train ride to their Sorting.
And it seems like my muse is in the mood to latch onto whatever I'm rereading, because the same thing happened when I reread Pride and Prejudice a week later. I finally finished the resultant debut P&P fic today (though its one-shot status might be less permanent than that of the HP fic, since it has the distinct flaw of not having my favorite characters in it),
and have now posted it. It's what I think would have happened if Bingley had been left to his own devices while moping over his supposedly unrequited love in London (because even though that was offscreen in the book, I'm sure Caroline, Louisa, and Darcy were all constantly offering their "support"). I find it kind of interesting that the first P&P fic I wrote is Bingley/Jane, even though Darcy/Elizabeth is my favorite ship of all time, second only to Buffy/Angel. But the first Buffyverse fic I wrote was Willow/Oz, so it looks like I'm doing the same thing in P&P-land.