I posted this as a thread over on Buffy-Boards, but the discussion might be more productive here than over there, so I'm posting it here too. As
perpetual already knows very well, one of my favorite hobbies is figuring out which Hogwarts house I'd put the characters of all my favorite shows in. If you're not a Harry Potter fan (first of all, how dare you), it's basically the same thing as the classic four temperaments.
Here's a handy guide:
Sanguine (Gryffindor): Extroverted (in an "I'm bored when I'm by myself" way). Emotional. Impulsive. Intuitive. Tendency towards underestimating themselves (you'll have a hard time convincing them they're the Chosen One, but they often are). Are often optimists (in an active way), but can be very pessimistic about circumstances they can't control. Love fun and excitement, might even be thrill-seekers. Strong desire to fit in. May put up a front to earn approval from others, but will be miserable doing it. Easily hurt, and forgiveness may take time but will be completely sincere.
Phlegmatic (Ravenclaw): Introverted (in a "I'd rather read a book than go to a party" way). Are often pragmatists. Logical. Cautious. Perceptive. Don't want to stir up conflict over small things. Tendency towards isolating themselves when trying to achieve a goal and avoiding a subject or a person when there's a problem. Good listeners. Fiercely protective of the few people they are close to. No desire to fit in. Very genuine; they can put up a front if needed, but prefer to be themselves. It's not that they aren't forgiving, it's that they're slow to take offense in the first place. Tend to be loners, but will form very intense, meaningful relationships with those who manage to get close.
Melancholic (Hufflepuff): Extroverted (in an "I love being around people" way). Emotional. Patient. Diligent. Loyal. Are often optimists (in a passive way). Tendency towards letting other people treat them like doormats because they instinctively put others first. Very genuine; putting up a front of any kind probably wouldn't occur to them. Don't need to "fit in" in general, but do rely heavily on their friend group to feel good about themselves. Will forgive almost anything, but if you shatter their faith in humanity (particularly through a betrayal of trust), they can turn more vicious than any of the other types.
Choleric (Slytherin): Introverted (in an "I don't like most people" way). Passionate. Strong. Deliberate. Very driven to achieve their goals and become the best in their fields. Easily annoyed and will speak up about it immediately. Tendency towards being egotistical, especially if they are in possession of unique skills or are very wealthy (in other words, do not tell them they are the Chosen One). Are often cynics. May put up a front to get what they want. They don't want to fit in, they want to stand out. Not good at making close connections with people, but when they do, they hold on very tightly. Slow to forgive, good at holding grudges. Can be extremely empathetic when stripped of their ego.
Time to sort the Buffyverse characters!
Gryffindor: Buffy, Gunn, Jenny, Riley, Doyle, Darla
Ravenclaw: Angel, Giles, Oz, Fred, Dawn, Tara
Hufflepuff: Xander, Lorne, Anya, Connor, Anne, Drusilla
Slytherin: Willow, Cordelia, Faith, Wesley, Spike, Kennedy
I spend way too much time thinking about this stuff, but there it is. Submit your own alternative ideas for how to sort the characters (and please explain your reasoning, because I'm very interested, even though I'm probably going to fight you on it), ask me why I put them where I did, or help me dissect their characterization and arcs in general.
I'm particularly fascinated by the way other characters are drawn to a protagonist based on their temperament. Buffy is a Gryffindor, so she makes friends who become her allies in the good fight more out of loyalty to her than because they actually want to be in the good fight. Angel is a Ravenclaw, so he (grudgingly) makes allies who want to be in the good fight, and they gradually become his friends as they fight side-by-side (which is why Angel and his team feel more like a family to me than the Scoobies do).
What typically seems to happen to Slytherin protagonists is that they start off really full of themselves, then get dragged through the dirt until it turns them into a better person, or they screw up really badly and are forced to face up to their own weaknesses. Jeff Winger in Community is a really strong example of this, but it also happens to most of the Buffyverse Slytherins even though they aren't the protagonists. Willow is an interesting case because she started out with no ego thanks to years and years of being bullied by Cordelia and her Mean Girls (which might give you the impression she's a Ravenclaw if you're not careful). Gradually, she gains confidence, but eventually it becomes her downfall.
I'm trying to think of a series where a Hufflepuff is the protagonist, but I'm having a hard time. They're such natural supporting characters. I mean, I suppose The Vampire Diaries has a Hufflepuff lead in Elena, but I'm not sure I want to give them credit for that, because they don't do a very good job with it. I think Luke Cage might be a Hufflepuff, but I'll have to rewatch the show to be sure.