
Jul 18, 2010 17:17

1) Copy this list into your blog or journal, including these instructions.
2) Bold all the items you've eaten.
3) Cross out any items that you would never consider eating.

Just so I can look more like a freak. )

food, meme

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carla_flydance July 19 2010, 09:14:51 UTC
Very interesting note, but there are so many unknown meals. I will certainly do that later)))
Do you have an allergy to all seafood? That's a pity. Seafood is my favourite meal, It is so tasty)))


carla_flydance July 19 2010, 13:01:14 UTC
They are all on Wiki so the unknown stuff you can look up.

I'm actually not allergic to fish persay. I'm allergic to a chemical that concentrates in the bodies of water dwelling animals. Sometimes, even being in the ocean causes me to have a skin reaction. I can't handle water dwelling animals much unless they come from freshwater environments where the pollutant is not there. I know of one lake in Canada and one stream near here where I can go in for extended periods. Also most swamps and wetlands are ok because they filter the water. My allergies really bring into focus how polluted the water is in general. :(


carla_flydance July 19 2010, 15:14:41 UTC
Oh, that's so awful! That's really connected with the pollution, as any allergy and so how many people are suffering from allergy - that 's all becouse of that bad condition of our environment. I have a friend who also can't swim in many lakes and rivers becouse he is allergic in this way too.


ta_laitha July 19 2010, 15:20:34 UTC
That sucks. I know how hard it is to live with a pollutant allergy. I think a lot of people are suffering from it. I remember going to a seminar about allergy medication. I stopped taking mine after it because of the implications. The speaker made two points. First, that pollutant allergies are usually to materials that cause other issues such as cancer and infections and second, that exposure actually increases allergic reaction... particularly prolonged exposure. He said that medications for allergies stifle the bodies ability to expel allergens: sneezing, watery eyes and the like. Also, allergy meds decrease skin reactions so that you don't always know you've come in contact with an allergen. He and his colleagues are doing research over the next ten-twenty years to see if there is an increase in cancers in people who are on allergy medications for air particulate allergies.

It is really scary to think those sorts of things are in our air.


carla_flydance July 19 2010, 19:14:07 UTC
I think now almost everyone suffer from any kind of allergy, certainly becouse of polluted air, water and other things. I have allergy to some kind of sweets, that makes me sad((( And I was very allergic to honey when I was a child, but now it is OK. I also had some allerdy that appeared on my skin awfully to some plants.
We shoul worry about it.


ta_laitha July 20 2010, 01:45:13 UTC
Well there is a difference between allergies and a skin irritant. Some plants produce irritating substances on their leaves or have irritating hairs to prevent herbivores from eating them. These are not true allergies.


carla_flydance July 20 2010, 09:10:21 UTC
Probably you are right, but why then this reaction isn't permanent, it was very strong a couple of eyars age, now it is OK...to the same plants.


ta_laitha July 20 2010, 14:02:09 UTC
Because you can gain immunity to some skin irritants. It depends on the plants. Also as you age the texture and composition of our skin and sweat changes. This too effects how we react to things on our skin.


carla_flydance July 21 2010, 09:05:48 UTC
I agree with you, thought I think sometimes it can be kinda alergic reaction, when it depends on season, or time when plants are blooming, etc.
p.s. i like your icon! :)))))


ta_laitha July 21 2010, 09:06:59 UTC
Oh yeah, you can be allergic or it can be a natural reaction due to chemicals... or both.

Oh I love IAN!!!!


ta_laitha July 19 2010, 13:02:00 UTC
ACK my apologies for LJ and bizarre anon comment while being logged in. O.o


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