A mental conundrum

Jun 21, 2010 10:09

I love the Humane Society and those of you who have known me for awhile know that I volunteered there heavily and worked many of their events for years. Now, I don't know. The same place that I adopted Mandalay from (The Humane Society) is now speaking in approval of the bill addition that would prevent anyone, for any reason, from moving a large constrictor across state lines. The wording makes it so even a responsible owner would not be able to move to another state without the chance of prosecution. I understand that it is sales of these species they want to hinder but the wording is poor. They are backing something that would harm all instead of prevent the very thing they have set out to do. (There are other aspects of the bill and the wording that the Humane Society has spoken in favor of that I can not agree to either. Like agreeing there shouldn't be a grandfather clause for those who already own these species.)

Anyway.. this puts me in a situation. I love what the Humane Society does for animals... far more than any No-Kill shelter I have ever seen might I add.. but at the same time I feel I just can't back them anymore given the stance they have on an animal that they adopted out to me. O.o It seems so contradictory and wrong to me. I think at this point it is time to sit down and write a thoughtful letter.

Please don't think I'm negative on the bill in general. A bill limiting the sale, transport and release of large constrictors is very much needed. Don't believe me, think back a few years to the picture of the burmese python in Florida that was ripped open by swallowing an alligator. I agree that there should be some regulation because they are becoming an invasive species because of irresponsible owners but there are responsible owners. Part of this argument reminds me very much of the breed bans and regulations from the 80/90s that were imposed on dogs. I like the bill in general principle, however, I find it poorly written and poorly thought out regarding many of the points.

**Steps down from the soap box**

And yes I know this bill has been floating around and going back and forth for awhile but it is still out there.

mandalay, humane society, snake, news

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