
Sep 29, 2009 02:24

Got a chance to upload the pictures I took while in Indianapolis.

This is what it looks like when a plane exits storm clouds

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All I can think about is that part in the Outer Limits.

Sunrise from my hotel room (The building with the statues and lights is the court house)

And the early afternoon from the same place.

Downtown Indianapolis as seen from the Indy Zoo


Their foo dogs at the entrance.


The Muntjac.. ie the fanged deer or the barking deer


It was a very hot day. The Grizzly had the right idea!

Turkey Vultures

The sign says it all.



Emperor Scorpion

The Highland Cow

Komodo Dragon!! (This is a young male)

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Bull African Elephant

More of the Komodo (look how long that tongue is!)

The Komodo skull

More vultures (These are Griffon Vultures)

Baby Giraffe

Male and female Dama Gazelle

Stork (I really love these pictures)

Baby Giraffe

Dama Gazelle in the trees

White Rhinos

I was so excited when I saw they had African Wild Dogs. I love them but this is the only view I got.. a sleeping butt in the shade.

White rhino

Ring-tailed Lemurs.. another of my favorites

An absolutely awesome and statuesque picture of Greater Flamingos.

Map turtle

I think this is a black duck but it might be a male Mallard in his winter plumage


Two different desert finches.

Bearded Dragon



Radiated Tortoise

Radiated tortoise and a bearded dragon

The Blue or Cayman Island Iguana

Another desert finch

Snake-necked turtle

This is one of my favorite pictures. More ring-tailed lemurs


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Indianapolis zoo has an awesome observation dome in the middle of the dolphin tank. It is really cool to see them swimming all around.


This is by far one of the most adorable pictures

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Polar bear

Harbor seal

Seal Lions, Harbor Seals and a Gray Seal

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female Gray seal

Male seal lion

Manta ray

SHARKS!! (I got to pet these guys.)

Marine Hermit Crab

Gray seal underwater

Harbor seal underwater


Emperor and Macaroni Penguins

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Sleepy polar bear

Seal Lions

Barking Seal Lion (I apologize for the sideways video)

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Victory Field where the Pirates' triple A Affliates play.

George Washington statue at the Capitol

One of the ladies of justice at the capitol building

The Capitol

The War Memorial in the central plaza of downtown Indianapolis

zoo, indianapolis, photography, photographs, animal

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