OMG!!! I didn't realize

Jun 06, 2009 13:03

Pitt/CMU have a Computational Biology Phd program. O.o!!!! This is the degree I want. However I would need to take some computer courses at CMU before I could apply. I wonder if there would be a way to gear this toward evolution through the Phd electives...? I think I need to call or visit the Adviser to PITT's Phd program in the College of Arts and Sciences.

This is a rather exciting find. Extra awesome bonus.. they have classes in computational biomodeling. That is the exact thing I want to do.I want to make models to reflect the behavior of biological systems and ecological dynamics. They have classes for it. **SQUEEEEE***!!! I love phylogenetic and population based modeling. I loved it when I got bits of it in Biogeography and Population biology.

Well I know what I will be doing next Monday or Wednesday.


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