Made myself a gift

Jul 23, 2008 19:14

I haven't beaded in awhile. I got it in my mind to do something with these beautiful stones I'd bought for myself over the winter. Damned thing nearly drove me crazy with all the links and jumps.

The stones are as follows:
Large disk: Green dyed Abalone shell
Smaller disks: Forest agate
Diamonds, rectangles and organic wavy: Moss Agate
Small rounds: Various earth tone shades of Jasper
Tubes at end of tassels: Moss Agate with Quartz veins
Chain and clasp: Antiqued nickel

I love it despite the fact it weighs a ton. Now all I need is a place to wear it. I think I want to make earrings and a bracelet to match it. My eyes need a rest first though after all those jump rings I had to close.

beading, art

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