(no subject)

Jan 16, 2008 11:21

Jan 15th: Public Bathrooms Or more specifically the method of drying your hands. Even if it takes longer the hand dryer is more economical and some believe more sanitary due to the temperature of the air. While I don't know about the sanitation, the economic view is simple. The dryer uses a small amount of electricity. To make paper towels, whether made of recycled or non-recycled paper, still has to be processed, manufactured and shipped. In the case of non-recycled it also requires trees to be cut.

So use the hand dryer when the choice is given.

Jan 16th: Natural Fabrics.
There are a few reasons for this. Yes, natural fibers take farming and we have to be careful how they are farmed but that is for another post. Here the issue is that most synthetic fabrics have a oil basis or require extremely toxic chemicals for production. In addition, to those considerations synthetic fibers take a lot longer to degrade when they do make it to the landfill or where ever they end up. I am not talking about fur here as that is another story but fabrics; cotton, linen, wool and the like. On top of being biodegradable and using less chemicals to process, natural fibers have additional properties that most synthetics don't have without processing. For example wool is naturally water resistant (to a point), linen is naturally cooling and cotton has a tendency to keep moisture away from the skin.

All in all natural fabrics are the better choice.

save the environment

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