After all that nonsense last night

Dec 04, 2007 11:54

And those of you I talked to/posted with know what I speak of, I got shocking, flooring, mind blowing news at school today.

My Cooper's hawk photo (This one to be exact) was sent to David Allen Sibley and The National Aviary here in Pittsburgh. Apparently it is some bizarre, rarely seen coloration. The photograph has also been suggested to be used in his blog for a sample of confusing bird plummages because apparently the eyebrow stripe is characteristic of a Northern Goshawk. O.o


((Sorry the squealing was necessary)) This is the scientific equivalent of.. I don't know, having your doodles sent to Walt Disney or something. I was already looking into working at the Aviary as a possibility. Hell NOW my name is in the field as a bird photographer (small as this actually is) who has obvious field skills. HOT DAMN! Forget about last night. Though it figures I had to go through crap to get here.

This proves good things come to ye who be patient...AND carry a camera every place you go!

On a side note: All of this comes with a thank you to Prof. Tony Bledsoe at Pitt. Not only is he an awesome teacher but he proved to me that you could get paid or at least grants for sitting around and staring at wildlife. It is though his friendship and us sharing photographs that my photo got to Sibley. Kudos to the Prof!

photography, birds, school, photographs

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