I don't ask much...

Oct 03, 2007 19:05

...but don't fuck with my garden. I came home today to find that our trees have been destroyed. It looks like wild elephants were loose in my yard. Not only that but large broken branches litter my garden as well. Some of the branches broken were large enough that I had stood on them to care for the trees. WTF? Pissed doesn't even cut it. I can't take it and the kid's next door destroying our property has got to stop. I'm going to the boro building tomorrow to see what can be done. Part of this post is to archive what has happened. I'm including pictures of the destruction that was done today. These are unedited and very large pictures. Normally I would also friends lock posts like this but I don't want to. This is here to archive what has happened and a list of destruction.

Third large tree back from the house. Two large branches broken off our side of the fence. Extreme damage to bark again on our side of the fence. Numerous small branches torn and hanging by scraggly pieces of bark. Second tree from the house. Large amount of small branch damage as well as previous large branch damage which prompted me previously to talk to the mother next door about the destruction. Front large tree which I have my bird feeder hung in. Large amounts of small branch damage and medium branch damage again on our side of the fence. In addition. Large amount of destruction to our rose of sharon which is in our yard. Also debris thrown into the garden which includes a large branch stripped from one of the trees. Presumebly from the farthest back as it has a similar size newly broken branch. Metal pieces thrown in the garden that appear to be parts of a lamp. Also the netting we used for cukes and beans has been partially knocked down by broken branches and debris. Further damage had been done to our grape vines which are again on our side of the fence on our arbor. I have yet to check the arbor itself for damages.

I need to find out what actions need to be taken to stop this. I don't want to have to deal with my property that I've taken care of to be destroyed. The worst of it for me is all the mess thrown into our garden. Yes, our garden is done for this year but what about next year. Also if destruction like this happens to the trees in winter they are liable to die. I have taken care of them while I've lived here and honestly while on the subject as far as I know regardless of fence placement those trees are on our property. That is something I look to clear up as well when I go to the boro. That is neither here nor there when the branches pulled down can only be done from our side of the fence. Those kids should not be in our yard. I've talked to the mother and That is all I can do without bringing someone else into the matter.

The pictures are poor due to bad lighting but I plan on taking more come morning before I go to the boro. I have not even weeded out the blurry pictures. I simply uploaded all the pics I took at original size.

things that suck, neighbors, garden

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