It's a Coincidence that We're in the Same [Theme] Down to Our Clothes. (1) - August 19, 2013 2:23 PM

Aug 19, 2013 01:18

*insert picture of Tatsuhisa standing with two of his fellow cast members under a Servant x Service poster*
The other day on at the location for Servant (2), it's probably hard to tell but the color of our heads became like traffic lights so I tried to snap a once in a long while photo of us.

Sakurai who plays Ichimiya is green.

Kobayashi who plays Kaoru is red.

And, myself who plays Hasebe is yellow.

Just on that day on location as traffic lights we were playing with whether we were or weren't [the signal].

(1) He's referring to the fact that they're all wearing white shirts along with their traffic light hair.
(2) Short for the anime "Servant x Service".

Original Entry: Here


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