Hey everyone,
I just wanted to let all of you know about a permanent mirror for all of the translations here (except for the member only ones). It's actually a music and entertainment blog, but since I want to help Tatsuhisa by getting the word about him out and also since LJ seems to go down or have unimaginable slowness every now and then, it just seemed beneficial to have an alternate place to post the translations.
Anyway, the site is here:
http://www.theeki.org/onsei/ The content there is mainly music in general in addition to the translations and I have some romaji lyrics up for various songs. I'm still copying romaji from my other romaji site, but so far there's some up for some OLDCODEX songs, a review of the first mini album, artist/band info about OCD, and other relevant stuff to the community. I eventually plan to post romaji lyrics for ALL of OLDCODEX and Tatsuhisa's solo songs and to review every release in great ethnomusicological detail, but reviews tend to take literally ALL day to write, so there's only one up right now for the mini-album. Worth a read though because you can probably learn some details about those six songs you didn't know.
Plus, if you're a music fan, it might be a really great place to learn about some other bands or artists to check out. I try to update at least once a week (since I'm usually busy during the week) to post an article highlighting an artist that I think needs more English language press and attention, which ranges from new artists or bands to some classic old favorites. Trying to avoid the big names for those Artist Focus articles since they don't really need to grow their fanbase, but the bigger artists will have a presence. My friend miaka975, who I ask for some QC and translation help for this community from time to time, was kind enough to write up a live report for me for L'arc en Ciel for the blog for example and wrote a really extensive report, so please check that out if you like L'arc or are interested in what's going on with Japanese artists touring the U.S.
Even if you're not into that, at the very least, bookmark it just in case it's one of those days you can't get on LJ and you can be sure that translations will be posted there as long as I'm alive, breathing, and have access to the internet.