Mar 17, 2005 12:51
So last night was fucked up. That's all i can say about thigns. I drank way too much than i should have. Had about 14 drinks in a matter of about 4 hours i'd say. Well the first 11 when down that quick. The other 3 i took my time on cuz i already won. I was goin drink for drink wit steph and i won. But ne ways ya after i went to bed around 3:30 and fuckin slep for about 3 hours then i woke up. Kept waking up wit this burning in the back of my throat and just felt like i needed to puke. So i slept it off for another like 30 mintues but seriously while i was sleeping it felt like i was gettin more waisted every time i woke up (was waking up like every 15 minutes after that). So i got up ran to the bathroom cuz the second i sat up it was cummin up. I sat in the bathroom and puked twice. First time all stomatch acid and burned like a bitch. The second one i started puking up blood. Made towards an interesting night cuz i was kinda scared to go back to bed incase ya know i died or something. But i did and i'm here now so i guess that's a good thing. Just feel like shit but ya