ltlbtovik -- You are fascinating. :)
There is no need to become emotional.
mr_chekov -- This is a rather odd poll.
Next time I shall endeavor to provide an even number of questions.
dctr_mccoy -- Ice planets are a fucking pain in the ass
Perhaps you should remove the planet from your ass.
rn_chapel -- That's an excellent hat.
All hats are excellent.
I am most fond of my unicorn shark hat.
hart_of_time -- You're hot. Also I think you've got something stuck in your hair, did you know?
My body temperature is within normal parameters for my species.
de_forest -- Have we met?
I have met many individuals. If you are one of them, then we have met.
its_oriley -- Aren't you supposed to fill out your own poll? :P
It is not necessary. I am already familiar with my responses.
original_fine -- Cake goes very well with ice cream.
Where do they go?
loyalty_ever -- I'm serious. These brains, they're out there. They're shining. With eyes of hard plastic. And blue hair. Blue as the night!
Sales will plummet! All because of this beef-witted Klingon!
geekiwi -- The Enterprise left without checking everybody was aboard? That's a bit lax.
I do not blame the Enterprise. Despite the genderized pronoun, she is insentient and unable to personally account for all crew members.