Jan 19, 2013 11:34
No amount of our desperate, pathetic human needs,
or making this all about blame,
finger pointing and name calling...
will ever make you more than you are
or make me less than I am.
It will just silence the whispering space,
it will distance the closeness.
Keep us shouting to be heard,
turn our hearts deaf and dumb,
til there is nothing left to say...
You say I can't handle it.
Try me.
And if I can't handle it all, well ok.
Let me NOT handle it.
Try me.
Trusting me earns my trust.
Far more than your pleasant half truths, and tiptoeing around my sensibilities...
And your own precarious fear-taught second-guessing.
Your martyred machismo diminishes me.
Managing me like I'm a child.
Putting on a show, like for a stranger.
I thought we were friends.
Try me.
And yes, most of the time I trust you so completely
Allowing myself to be openly vulnerable and lose my mind around you...
It's true. I can't always handle it all.
But I trust you to see me even then, when I'm not handling it.
I let you in.
Into the breakable parts of me.
And you keep me out.
For fear of breaking me.
Try me.
Break me.
I choose to let you.
I will break in silence, if you shut up.
I will break in shouting delirium and blaming, bristling rage and bruised ego.
I will break in sharing, in whispering closeness, in heart opened surrender.
I will break a thousand ways for you.
I choose to.
Try me.
But if you cannot let me in,
Please don't tell me it's me who shut you out.
If you cannot bring me inside of the breakable parts of you.
Please don't say it's me who's fragile.
I am willing to break.
You are afraid to break with me.
You are afraid to trust me with who you are.
When I would accept you whole.
Try me.
You don't have to be the strong one, even when I'm feeling weak.
We can be weak together.
Desperate, pathetic, lost humans...
Whose need and love will break us all apart,
Or together.
Try me.
If I can be a friend to you, let me in.
Try me.
If I can't be someone you trust, then please just let me out.
I cannot open myself this deeply, just to be shut out.
Try me, motherfucker. I'm stronger than you think.