(no subject)

Mar 30, 2006 17:18

Here are some reconstructed shirts I have made over the past few months.



Exhibit 1:

If you aren't aware already, I am a big fan of horrendous prints from the 80's, as well as prints commonly found on Great Aunts with obscene hair.

(This is actually a piece I am quite proud of. Mind you, the distance from which you are viewing it does not reflect the violent sewings, heathen outcries of horror, and re-sewings that maimed the practical process that is attaching sleeves. (Those were a real bitch.))

Exhibit 1.A

And in the event you get tired of wearing it that way (yes, i meant on the hanger, dangling from a chain around your neck), it can also be worn with this bib thing here that serves absolutely no purpose really.

Exhibit 2.

Made from an oversized printed blouse and a navy T shirt. As you can see I purposely (heh, heh) made the measurements all 'off', to produce the asymmetrical, crooked look captured thus. Only to be worn by people with scoliosis.

Exhibit 3.

This one came about as a result of paying too much attention to what Stacy DuPree wears in her photoshoots. Made from another oversized long-sleeve blouse. Royalties: $ 00.50

Exhibit 4.

Replication of a frock worn by the likes of Cher or other such flower children. Can be worn with or without shoes, and with accessories such as bangs, (bongs?), The Pill

Made from a long skirt

Exhibit 5.

Simple (resized) yellow shirt stenciled with a (very copyrighted) Pedro the Lion logo. Acrylic paint. The shirt itself was already made, so when the idea grants me nice profits and Dave Bazan (I'm always tempted to say "Azkaban") comes after me with his Shaking Pointer Finger of Godly Rebuke/pitchfork, I can say "but I didn't make the shirt."

And that completes my adventures with sewing machine exploitation thus far. Thanks
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