Jun 27, 2007 02:45
Hello Livejournal,
I am drunk right now...like always. This week has been good so far. I stay up until 7:00 am every morning, then sleep til 4:00 pm. Every night I get drunk. I have no job. This life is great.
Mostly I am just getting a lot of reading done. Right now I am reading J. D. Salinger's Nine Stories. It is the only published work of his I have not yet read. It is good so far. Salinger is a master of the short story form - in my opinion anyways. I recently finished Notes from the Underground and C. S. Lewis' The Great Divorce. I was so bored one day that I just read the entire book pretty much straight through. I wish I could do that with every book.
I'll be starting Jonathan Lethem's Fortress of Solitude soon. I read the first page or so. Seems fairly promising. Anyone who hasn't gotten the book but wants to come to the book club should go ahead and get it. We should be meeting sometime this week for the first time. The meeting will be at my apartment (112 St. Francis Ct. Apt. 77, zip code 40205 - that's St. Francis in the Highlands, not downtown). If anyone needs directions or has questions let me know or give Corey a call. If you don't have my number it is 751-3502. Everyone is welcome if you are willing to do the reading and discuss seriously.