May 05, 2005 04:54
This shit is simply not ligit.
I am frustrated like no nail and just quick.
I have this infected bed that festers only with molesters and noone who care to test-or regret.
So fuck that slut. Fuck that bitch.
Ill lie down fed up until this wall you WILL hit.
I think it might be a sign-
on my forehead-
that i come before head-
That i need nothing tO satisfy my magically minute-
Desires swarm in bed.
Stood up is stuck up- thats cool with me.
If it wasnt your body then whose should it be?
So scream like the baby you should fucking pount and cry,
For the pains deep and hanging via my high and dry-
From you.
From your half witted actions you had no clue were untrue!
Fuck you and fuck that bitch-
I aint paying, i dont give a shit.
Id get a refund if i did. Ha.