Feb 08, 2004 01:25
went to scout camp today...worked for about three hours laying pad for a new basketball court and then a see a group of very attractive females walk by. i was all like-whoa! and they was all like--whoa. so, i proceeded to ask about thier business, turns out theres a french immersion weekend course happening-put on by pbc foreign lang. school teachers...and they needed someone to supervise canoeing later in the day...:) me so happy me have canoeing merit badge. (i knew that shit would pay off). so it was awesome, i was surrounded by ppl speaking a beautiful lang. accompanied by teenage chicks in skimpy,scantily clad bathing suits. (rode around wiht this guy dennis on a golfcart for a few hours..he told me the coolest shit. how back in HS he was the notorious punch spiker, all the crazy hippy shit he used to do at camp, and how he nailed this chick who had a boyfriend in college AT a Sadie Hawkins dance...so porky's...so good.) i schmoozed them and their teachers for a few hours and next thing i know i'm invited for campire songs and fondu later...me so happy again. got some numbers, did some selfless service, free food, hot chicks, good buddies...wwtfmore could i ask for? to top it off, the weather/scenery was MOST excellent, got some good skyline/sunset shots.
at anyrate...i come home at 10:30 to a party across the street and a beer waiting for me there. good adult conversation, lotta booze, good times.
come home to a call from one of the frenchies i met tonight...might leave aroud 2 to see whats goin on at scout camp still:) F.A.D.