Oct 22, 2006 23:20
This pain is unbearable.
I DONT DEAL THE WAY SHE DOES. And she cant be a bit sensitive to that.
That simple fact ^ would never drive me from someone_ thats just a difference of perception. I dont want anyone like me. I think im fucked up in the head, thats the beauty of opposites attracting, people have the chance to check their own personalities every once and again...and learn. Granted they arent a stubborn, ignorant child who doesnt realize that EVERY experience is a chance to make onesself better... more open minded, a better communicator, WITHOUT fear of losing SELF-but ALWAYS improving self- even if it takes someone else to help you along the way.
Im one of the most vunerable people I know, because Im not afraid of pain. When I feel pain, its 10 times worse than I could ever imagine, but thats when I know somethings REAL. Thats why I dont fear_ because it will sometimes be the closest to reality my mind ever gets.
But thats not what lifes about. Put me in too much pain, I become active, like any primal reaction, and move away from the pain. Too much will eventually be too much, whether the pain means to hurt OR NOT.
I need to reaffirm my self worth with me. Not that Ive lost it, its just been STEPPED on for a seemingly long time and noone but me seems to care. I need someone to care, or Ill have to take over 100% again.
As much as I hate to say, the pain is only a wave... I wonder how long I can ride this one out.
I need to burst with pain. I need an outlet before I realize noone but me cares that Im dying inside.///its going to sting_