Alright. So, my LJ page has this sort of alliteration theme going on. Today, deciding to complement that idea, I'm going to make the titles of my journals like an alliterating phrase. Just for fun. I think that in some cases I might even be able to increase my vocabulary. :D (I have a handy little pocket dictionary that I use quite a bit, so that will come in handy...)
Anyways, to today.
It was seriously rather a large joke. The day, I mean.
The day started off with Spanish class and playing Musical Chairs, or Sillas Musicas. I think. Or whatever it was called 'en español'. So, the way it's played is that everyone gets a slip of paper that has twenty-eight numbered lines on it. Each 'pupitre' -starts laughing at the pronunciation- ...Erm, 'pupitre' means 'desk', btw. ^^" Anyways, each desk has a green little bit of paper with a one to three words in the upper right hand corner and one in the middle. We're supposed to conjugate the word to this certain form that we just started learning a couple classes ago. Also, the card has a number of 1-28 on it, but some of the numbers weren't out since there needed to be some intensity to the game. :D Oh, and if you've already conjugated the card on a desk, then that one isn't available, so one less desk is available for each person after each round.
Okay, so there really wasn't too much going on for the first couple rounds, then these two guys totally tackled each other a quarter across the room because they both wanted the same desk. And, I was right next to them when it happened. xD The desk in between them went sliding into the one they were going for and then some, but then the teacher told them they were both out because she didn't want somebody getting a concussion. (Before we started she said that she sent a kid to the nurse's office for that reason just yesterday since he tripped or something. She didn't really elaborate, though.)
Somehow, I managed to not get out at all for about seven rounds - and it's pretty tough, honestly; I was sprinting across the classroom to get to a desk that I hadn't already been at - and it was tons of fun. Oh, but next to the guys tackling each other, I think that something else that was really cool about it was that I almost sprained my ankle going for a certain desk and then the first song that played also had random, one second, complete stops in the song, so there was random, useless scrambling going on around at the beginning of the game, too. 8D
My last class was biology, and it was the second out of three highlights of the day. The things that highlighted it for me were the conversations that there were. Okay, so we're learning about cells splitting (almost wrote 'spitting' there xD) and the stages.
So, before any conversations of cells come into play, there was a really funny one before the class. Okay, there's this girl that's been told she has really fat cheeks, even though they're completely normal, but she's one of those girls that wears makeup just 'cause she's super self-conscious, I think. The teacher asked, "What the heck are you guys talking about?" because a guy had told the girl her cheeks were like "face boobs". XD
And, then she answered, "They're saying my cheeks are fat..."
Teacher says, "Well, they're just fine. Don't pay attention to what anyone says, anyway, until they're twenty-five or older since everyone's too immature before then."
That got a couple of laughs.
Then he added, "Especially girls."
"Yeah," Chubby Cheeks Girl says. "Because--Oh. I can't say it. It's kinda inappropriate."
"Just say it. No one cares right now."
She mumbled, " 'Girls are'... 'inappropriate word'." A few laughs. (Literally, she said, 'inappropriate word'.)
And, once I'd hardly finished the thought of, That's four words, the teacher offers, "What? 'Poopy'?"
Even more laughs.
Later, we're going over the cells splitting and everything, and then the teacher asks, "Why do cells need to split?"
Someone answered, "So the organism can get bigger?"
"Okay. Good. And also...?"
And, I don't want to get into every single little quote, but eventually it got to where we were talking about how cells create the body and how they make everything in an organism when suddenly someone shouts, "They're not in urine!"
"No! I'm being serious!" they continued. And, seriously. It made it a (tiny) bit easier not to laugh since they said 'urine' and not 'pee'. :P "Okay, cells don't make up urine, but it's part of your body!"
"Well," my teacher says, "your body's kinda like a doughnut." Everyone thought that analogy was HILARIOUS. And, he goes on to explain how the digestive system and doughnuts are related. (Apart from the fact the latter can happily go through the former.)
Another thing someone said a bit later was, "Your teeth! Your teeth aren't cells!"
...I was the only person that laughed at that. ^_^"
"Well," the girl reasoned, "they're hard!"
And, again, I was the only one to really laugh. I was probably looking like an arrogant jerk at that moment. >__>
The teacher explained that there are bone cells, and then blah blah blah (It was pretty interesting, in all honesty, but I'll bet you're already bored. :D), and then someone else next to me asked me if fingernails are cells and I explained that, yes, they are, and they're made of keratin, and that also makes your hair. (Go, Nerdasaurus Rex, go! 8D) She was super impressed and weirded out at the same time. :P And, she was also grossed out when the teacher mentioned that dust is mostly dead skin since someone asked him, "Well, if you can lose more than a million skin cells in a single day, where do they all go, huuuuuuh?"
Once we FINALLY got to the cells splitting subject, the teacher was explaining, "So, the daughter cell splits from the parent cell. Oh, and sorry, guys. Sorta sexist, huh?"
Then a guy said that sons are better than daughters, but my teacher replied, "Well, I can't really vouch for that since I have three daughters and no sons." There were some quiet laughs.
Then, a girl that hadn't said anything the entire class suddenly piped up, "Yeah! Guys are the ones that make all of the drama!" And, she had a total '8D' kind of 'genius' face.
This guy that sits next to me snorted so hard at that comment. :P
Alright. Bio doesn't seem as funny just reading about the conversations, I'll bet, but they were a heck lot more fun listening to. :D
After school, some of my friends and I are working on preparing a skit. Well, I'd tell you what our ideas were, but they're too amazing to post until about April or so. :D The skit thing we're working on is part of a rather large thing that - I didn't learn this until a bit ago - is a super competitive thingamadoohicky that runs even in other countries! I'll post what we did much... much... later... But, seriously. We were laughing the entire time.
TEASER! 8DD (I fail.)
--------Pretty long entry, huh? Sorry for any straining of the eyes, people. o__o Oh, and, by the way, anything you'd like to mention in your day, whoever may be reading this? :D (Probably just me that's here. :P)