Dec 02, 2007 12:19
Ahhh damn. I need a shave. This stubble is prickly as Hell. I guess I should take a look here. Need some sort've mirror... Oh hey, a massive sword. Wonder why I have this. The hilt is pretty... macabre looking. Got a skull and everything.
At any rate the blade is really clean and reflective. Hmmm. What a handsome devil. If only I could put a name to this face. Damn, I'm sexy. The white hair's a bit off. I'm no old coot. I feel way too energetic. I hope its hair dye.
Eh, I really feel like letting something out right now. Like I have to slam someone in the face. Or some lucky lady from behind. I need a name to go by, though. Something to stick me too. I wonder if I have anything in this stylish coat... Man I'm badass.
Oh hey, a business card.
Tony Redgrave
Sweet business name. Tony, huh? I guess that's me. I need to get me a drink.