022 | not just a pretty face

Nov 20, 2008 16:28

private ][ unhackable
Bianca's gone. Nice. One person less who's likely to hurt Justine. I know I can't protect her from everything- doesn't mean I can't try, right? Do I even have the right to? I nearly killed her. Nearly killed the woman I loved. Great hero that makes me.

One thing less to worry about. Not that it makes much of a difference. People are turning to stone left and right. But hey. Harry's on to it. Guess I don't have to worry about that- as long as I can keep my little brother from getting himself killed.

I want so badly to feed. Justine's presence... Having her near by and yet be unable to touch her... Not helping. Gotta get my game face on, figure out a way to make it work. Get your brain-gears working, Thomas.
[ / private ]

Bianca's gone. Party?

the one i can never touch (justine), i used to have justine for this (hunger), usually too pretty for this (angst), can has thinky thoughts (pensive), i-- me and myself (private), just a pretty face (superficial)

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